Q: Where can I found the Animal Ethics Committee SAEC application Form?

For School teachers, please click here 👉 Animal Ethics Committee SAEC applications form

Once you openned the link,keep scrolling down you will see the SAEC form available for downloading.


Q: How do I know whether my chicks are going to be hens or roosters?

A: For most heritage chicken breeds, they can not be identified when are just day old chicks. When you are buying these chicks, you are most likely to have half male and half female chicks. You may have a better clue by growing them to at least 6 to 8 weeks. Chicks that are larger, stockier, have thicker legs, and develop a larger comb and wattles are more likely to be roosters. Smaller chicks with shorter, more petite legs are more likely to be hens. Roosters also carry themselves more upright than hens. Please keep in mind that the provided information is solely intended to assist in identifying the gender of the chicks and that not all chicks develop at the same rate; therefore, it is possible to have larger female chicks and smaller male chicks as well.


Q:What breeds of chicks are they?

A: Some of them are Australorps and some of them are Rhode island crosses. Mother hens are various coloured Australorps, leghorns. The rooster is a gorgeous caring Rhode island Red. All three breeds are excellent layers, and their offspring will be as well. Occationally, we also use other breeds such as cream legbar, this type of chickens lays blue eggs.


Q: What do I need to have before buying day old and Week old chicks?

A: Here’s a list of essential items for keeping day old and week old chicks.


1. Medicated Chick startercrumble for chicks from day 1 to 8 weeks old. Pullet grower crumble for chicks over 8 weeks till they lay their first eggs. After that, they can be feed on layers crumble or pellet. Weekly treats of meal worms would make a great extra protein source for growing and laying hens.

Common brands of chick starter crumbles are: Milne Feeds,Thompson & Redwood and Laucke.


*Please do not feed day old chicks with layers crumble or pellets, the nutritional contents are different and generally the size of the feed are very large for day old chicks to eat.

*Silkies are one of the vaulted/crested breed and lacking of vitamins can lead to wry neck and best thing to do would be prevention. Multivitamins for poultry is highly recommended to be mixed in water and give to chicks from all breeds once a week


2. Waterer and Feeder: Suitable size of waterer is important, especially for day old chicks because they can drown inside the waterer or get very wet if the waterer is too big for them.

There are two common types of waterer

3.Bedding: Hemp& Pine wood shavings are goodbedding material. It will masking odour and absorb the moisture. A dry and clean environment will minimize the likely hood of your chicks getting sick from unhygienic environment.

Two common bedding materials are: Pine wood shaving and hemp bedding.

4.Heating: Chicks will need some sort of heat source until they are fully feathered. It usually takes around 6-8 weeks for they to be outdoor coop ready. The best option would be a broody hen if you have one, otherwise a heat lamp or heat plate will be another option for keep your baby chicks warm.


Q: How can I tell whether my chicks are too hot or too cold?


A: Best spot to put the heat lamp will always be on one end of the brooder box or cage (not middle of the cage). It allows chicks to pick whether they want to move to the warmer area or the cooler area.

Chicks will pant and attempt to move away from the heat source if the temperature is too high.

They will huddle under the heat lamp if they feel cold. They will be noisy, which indicating they are distressed.


Q: Can I let chicks go out door when the weather is warm?


A: Yes, beside supplying plenty of shade,water and feed to the chicks when they are out. You should also be aware of the potential predators. Wild animals (especially crows) may attacking chicks when they are out and not supervised closely. They would be safer if kept in an fully enclosed outdoor run.


Q: When can chicks stay in a out door chicken coop?

A: It takes about 6 weeks for them to be fully feathered. The timing of transitioning baby chicks outdoors will be determined by the outside weather and the type of enclosure you provide.


Q: How long does it takes for them to start laying?

A: Most chickens begin laying between 18 and 24 weeks. However, some breeds that are not well-known for their productivity as layers can take up to a year to produce their first tasty egg.    


Q:When should I worm my chickens?

A:Worming should be performed every 3 months starting from the age of 3 months old.


Q: Do you vaccinate your chicks?

A: All my chicks are not vaccinated.Poultry vaccines are usually only available in large lot doses, and most can not be stored once opened. Only commercial hatchery or large poultry farm vaccinates their chicks.

Q: Where can I get some day old/ week old chicks or pullets?

A:You can always send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to check what chickens do we have available at the time.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to identify and fix problems if chicks are not striving ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q: One of the chicks look a bit weak, what can I do to help?

How to Revive a Weak Chick and Keep it Healthy


Q: How to clean pasty butt on chicks?




Q: How to fix chicks with curled toes?



Q: How to fix splayed legs in chicken?



Q:  What to do with chicks with unabsorbed yolk sac?